Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

III-11: Assistant Superintendent

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

 Policy Number: III-11
Effective Date: 03/21/1985
Revised Date:

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Subject: Assistant Superintendent

It is the policy of the Board that an Assistant Superintendent shall be appointed.


  1. Shall be responsible for all district operations in the Superintendent's absence from the district.
  2. Shall work in close harmony with, the Business Administrator/Treasurer for department budget control and shall assist in, determining the budget for supplies, textbook needs, and instructional equipment.
  3. Evaluate the instructional program and work with district committees to organize in-service training programs and in the selection of supplies and textbooks, in order that improvements may be made.
  4. Direct audiovisual education, library services, community education, specially funded programs, pupil services, and coordinate funds for summer school.
  5. Review all applications for federal and state funding for special projects relating to instruction.
  6. Work with community and state groups in furthering and facilitating education.
  7. Be responsible for district-wide health services and instruction.
  8. Provide for and cause to be analyzed, evaluative data, through the application of a district-wide testing program.
  9. Shall keep a roster of all approved positions within the school district.
  10. Shall be responsible for identifying, screening, and selection of all new personnel.
  11. Shall be responsible to maintain an up-to-date confidential, secured personal file on all employees in the district.
  12. Shall be responsible for an evaluation procedure for all school personnel except the Superintendent. The Superintendent is the responsibility of the Board of Education.
  13. Have general responsibility for the maintenance of buildings, grounds, and equipment.
  14. Be responsible for district-wide custodial services.
  15. Work on special projects as assigned by the Superintendent.

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