Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

III-09: Evaluation of the Superintendent

North Sanpete School District
Statement of………….

Board Policy With Guidelines

 Policy Number: III-9
Effective Date: 12/16/1982

Revised Date: 04/08/2003
Revised Date: 03/14/2006

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Subject: Evaluation of the Superintendent

The purpose of this evaluation is to enhance the working relationship between the superintendent and the school board, to ensure that the policies and procedures of the district are being effectively administered, and to assess the superintendent’s effectiveness in carrying out programs as directed by the school board.


  1. In January of each year, or as soon thereafter as practical, the Board president will give each board member a superintendent’s evaluation form and each member will fill that form out individually. The board president will then collect the evaluations and compile them into an evaluation composite. The board president will then meet with the superintendent personally and review the compiled evaluation results. 
  2. The composite results will provide a guide as to whether or not the superintendent is to receive an extension of the two-year contract on odd-numbered years contract and/or be advised as to the areas where improvements in performance are to be expected.

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