Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients


R277-600-4. Eligibility.

  1. The Superintendent shall only disburse state transportation funds for transporting eligible students.
  2. The Superintendent shall determine transportation eligibility for elementary students (k-6) and secondary students (7-12) in accordance with the mileage from home, specified in Subsections 53A-17a-127(1) and (2), to the school attended by assignment of the local school board.
  3. A student whose IEP identifies transportation as a necessary related service is eligible for transportation regardless of distance from the school attended by assignment of the local school board.
  4. A student who attends school for at least one-half day at a location other than the local school board designated school is not eligible for transportation for distances up to one and one-half miles.
  5. A school district that implements double sessions as an alternative to new building construction may transport, one-way to or from school, with Board approval, affected elementary students residing less than one and one-half miles from school, if the local school board determines the transportation would improve safety affected by darkness or other hazardous conditions.
  6. The distance from home to school is determined as follows: From the center of the public route (road, thoroughfare, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the regular entrance of the one where the pupil is living, over the nearest public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open regularly for use by the public, to the center of the public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the nearest public entrance to the school grounds which the student is attending.

Copied from the Utah State Board of Education website.

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