Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

XI-01: Food Service Management

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: XI-1
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Food Services Management


The school lunch program is an integral part of the total education program and as such shall be governed by the same principles and type of control as any other division of the school system.


  1. The Director of Food Services shall administer the program.
  2. The principal shall be the executive officer of the program in his or her school and shall have general direction of the conduct of its activities including the control of students using the cafeteria.
  3. All menus shall be prepared and planned by the Director of Food Services.
  4. The Director of Food Services shall obtain input from students, parents, and staff in the preparation of the menus.
  5. A school lunch manager shall be assigned to each school.
  6. Food services shall include hot lunches through participation in the National School Lunch Program as the need for such are determined.
  7. As required for participation in the National School Lunch Program, the committee agrees to the following regulations:
  8. That a "Type A" lunch be made available for students. b. That free and reduced price lunches be provided students who cannot afford to pay the price of the "Type A" lunch.
  9. The National School Lunch Program of Offer vs. Serve shall be in effect.
  10. The school Board shall approve the prices set for school lunches.
  11. Students shall also be permitted to bring their lunches from home and to purchase beverages and incidental items.
  12. School lunches are not to be charged.

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