Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VIII-35A: Purchasing Card Procedures

North Sanpete School District
Purchase Card Procedures

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School Debit Card (for purchases under $100 - card check out from secretary)

  1. An employee may request a school debit card from the school secretary for approved purchases (no online purchases at this time)*.
  2. The employee will fill out a requisition / expenditure request form (green sheet).
  3. The principal will approve / sign the requisition / expenditure request form (green sheet).
  4. The employee will take the approved green sheet to the school secretary to obtain the card.
  5. The school secretary will file the green sheet, then issue the card and PIN to the employee.
  6. The employee will make the approved purchase, get a receipt and return the card with receipt to the secretary the following school morning if not sooner (failure to turn in a receipt or return the card promptly may result in the employee’s loss of debit card privilege in the future).
  7. The secretary will fill in the tracking sheet, attach the receipt to the green sheet and file both.
  8. The secretary will submit the purchasing card monthly checklist for renewal of the card balance.
  9. The Secretary will update the PIN at least monthly by calling Evva 435-462-2457.

District Debit Card (personally assigned cards - principals, directors, etc.)

  1. Directors without assigned cards, check out a card from receptionist as outlined above.
  2. Assigned debit cards are for school level emergencies and for director purchases under $250.
  3. The employee will fill out / approve the tracking sheet.
  4. The employee will make the purchase, get a receipt, complete the tracking sheet (exact amount of purchase), attach the receipt to the tracking sheet and file both.
  5. The employee will submit the purchasing card monthly checklist for renewal of the card balance.
  6. The employee will update the PIN at least monthly by calling Evva 435-462-2457.

Purchasing with your P-Card:

  1. All purchased goods must be tax exempt.* No Exceptions!  (Utah State Exemption Certificate TC-721G tax exemption form. New vendors will require a form signed by Darin, Claudia, or Tammy.)
  2. P-Card use still requires compliance with all district and state purchasing policies (no online purchases at this time)*.
  3. Walmart purchases are only made with a Walmart card, checked-out from Claudia or Brenda.
  4. By signing receipts and/or the statement, the cardholder is certifying that the purchases are made in accordance with District Policy and State law.
  5. It is against the law to split purchases. Depending on the total dollar value of a divided purchase, the penalty ranges from a class B misdemeanor to a second-degree felony. (see State code UCA 63G-69-2303 thru 2306)
  6. Keep all receipts in your procurement envelopes until your statement arrives. Your statement will arrive at your location the first week of each month.
  7. Review all charges on the monthly statement. Any discrepancies must be protested in writing (contact the P-Card Administrator for needed assistance.)
  8. All statement expenses will be charged to the users default account unless the monthly checklist envelope details different accounts for the charges are to be coded.
  9. Include the following items in the Envelope:
  10. The monthly statement (with a check beside each purchase that has been received);
  11. All receipts, the tracking sheet, requisitions with approval and other supporting documents;
  12. Account adjustments as needed detailed on the checklist envelope (TES Account # for school purchases).
  13. Follow all directions on the front of your Procurement Card Monthly Checklist Envelope. Procurement Card Monthly Checklist Envelopes can be obtained from the P-Card Administrator. Have your Supervisor (listed under approved on the list above) sign the envelope.
  14. Procurement Card / P-Card Envelopes are due by the 15th of the month to the P-Card Administrator.
  15. The Business Administrator reserves the right to freeze or close a P-Card when policy and/or procedures are not followed.
  16. To report possible fraudulent charges call 1-435-462-2457 during business hours or Cache Valley Bank customer service at 435-753-3020 anytime.
  17. For help with any purchasing related problems contract your P-Card Administrator (Claudia Christensen) at 435-462-2485 or

School Secretaries - please keep the information below in the card check-out envelope.

  1. If your card is lost or stolen please contact Cash Valley Bank customer service immediately at 1-800-325-3678 (Credit Card) or 1-800-528-2273 (Debit Card).

* All items purchases require item in hand prior to payment (no online), tax-free & a receipt provided.

District Travel

  1. Out of state Employee Travel must be booked through State Travel at least a month prior to travel:
  2. Call Tiffany Snowball 801-538-3352 for assistance,
  3. This agency will reserve flights, hotels and rental cars at group / government rates.
  4. This agency provides refundable / transferable tickets and additional traveler’s insurance.
  5. Per Diem and hotel rates provided are based on GSA rates for the city of travel, exceptions approved only by the superintendent.
  6. Employee’s hotel, per diem, and car rental cost will be deposited into the employee’s account prior to travel. Employees will pay for the travel with the money provided.
  7. Travel and conference registration will be arranged through district purchasing or designated school official.
  8. Ground transportation, shuttles, taxi, parking fees, etc. will be reimbursed from receipts provided after travel.
  9. Out of state Student Travel (including adult chaperones) must be booked through State Travel (Christopherson Travel current contract) at least one month prior to travel (prefer two months):
  10. Call Lisa Roybol 801-327-7605 for assistance.
  11. This agency will reserve flights, coaches, hotels and attractions for district direct billing.
  12. The trip leader will receive confirmation numbers for all reservations prior to departure.
  13. The trip leader will be provided a 24 hour 1-800 telephone number for help during the trip.
  14. A school check will be provided to the district to reimburse travel costs prior to departure.
  15. Travel will be arranged through district purchasing or designated school official.

Debit cards will be issued / operate as listed below:

* NSHS foods will keep the card and complete the monthly checklist for renewal of the card balance.

Location Approval # cards Daily Limit Monthly Limit
Receptionist - For Check out Superintendent 1 250 2500
Food Service Supervisor Superintendent 1 250 2500
Transportation Director, Facilities Director (2) Superintendent 1 each 500 5000
Travel Business Admin. 1 1000 25000
NSHS business secretary Principal 5 100 2000
Other School Secretaries Principal 1 each 100 2000
NSHS Foods Principal 1 250 3000
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