Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients


As stated in Utah Code Ann. 53A-11-102, local school boards may grant to parents the option of instructing their children at home "in the subjects prescribed by the State Board of Education in accordance with the law for the same length of time as minors are required by law to be taught in the district schools."

The state prescribed branches of learning are outlined in Rule 277-700-4, 277-700-5, and 277-700-6:

Elementary Schools:  Language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening), the arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, health education, educational technology, and responsible healthy lifestyles. See Rule 277-700-4.

Middle Schools:  Language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, physical education, health education, applied technology education (technology, life, careers), the arts, and library media skills. See Rule 277-700-5.

High Schools:  Language arts, social studies, mathematics, science (biological and physical), the arts, physical and health education, educational technology, general financial literacy, applied technology education (occupational preparation, and library media skills. See Rule 277-700-6.

The State Board of Education requires school to be held for 180 days each year. The time requirements are as follows: need to average 4.5 hours per day for grade one (810 hours) and 5.5 hours per day for grades two through twelve (990 hours).

Homeschool Affidavit can be picked up at the school where the student is enrolled or the School District Office. The information on the form must be completed. The form should be submitted to the School District Office for the Superintendent's signature. A copy will be sent to the school and the parent/guardian. Parents should, also, contact the principal of the last school attended to determine if matters relating to books and fees have been taken care of.



Homeschool Affidavit PDF Download

Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Information

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