Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-23: Parent and Family Engagement Policy

North Sanpete School District
Statement of……………

Board Policy With Guidelines

Policy Number: VII-23
Effective Date: 12/1982
Revised Date: 11/19/2019

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Subject:  Parent and Family Engagement Policy



The District recognizes that the engagement of parents in the education of children has a positive impact on student outcomes. It is District policy that Teachers, Administrators and parents work together to develop policy and facilitate the active involvement of parents in the education of their children.


This policy shall be administered according to the following guidelines:

  1. Parent Engagement at the District Level
  2. Parents shall be represented on district committees and advisory groups, as appropriate.
  3. Parents will participate in the review of student achievement data and be involved in setting district-wide achievement goals.
  4. Parents may address the Board at school board meetings, public hearings and other appropriate occasions.
  5. Parent Engagement at Local Schools
  6. Parents will participate in the review and if necessary, revision of school-parent engagement policies.
  7. Schools shall provide opportunities for parents to serve as school volunteers.
  8. Schools are encouraged to draw upon the talents of parents for special presentations, enrichment activities, and other events or circumstances where parent participation may enhance the curriculum.
  9. Parents or guardians of students attending schools in the District qualify to be elected onto the School Community Council.
  10. Parent Engagement in Student Education
  11. Parents shall regularly receive information about their student’s academic performance; i.e. report cards, progress reports, and results of achievement tests.
  12. Parents shall have opportunities to discuss their child’s educational program and progress with teachers at parent/teacher conferences or other meetings as appropriate.
  13. Informal parent/teacher conferences may be scheduled whenever it seems in the student’s best interest.
  14. Parents shall be notified of student disciplinary problems and provide opportunities to be involved in the solution.
  15. Parent Information and Training
  16. Parents shall be informed of the workings of the school system through District/School website and/or newsletters.
  17. Schools will provide passwords and information on how to access the District Student Data Collection System (currently PowerSchool) for the purpose of obtaining information on the parent or guardian’s child’s attendance and grades.
  18. Parents may enroll in District-sponsored in-service classes to learn techniques for improving their children’s academic success.
  19. Schools will involve School Community Council members in appropriate training.

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