Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-15: Gifts to the Schools

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............                   

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VII-15
Effective Date: 08/25/1983
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Gifts to the Schools


Gifts which may serve to enhance and extend the work of the schools may be received by the district. It shall be the general policy of the district to direct those who desire to make contributions to consider equipment or services that are not likely to be acquired from public fund expenditures.


  1. Equipment contributed to the schools becomes the property of the district and is subject to the same controls and regulations that Govern the use of other school-owned property.
  2. Contributions of equipment or services that may involve major costs for installation or maintenance, or initial or continuing financial commitments from school funds shall be presented by the Superintendent's office to the Board for consideration and approval.
  3. Because of differences in economic resources available to the various schools, and for other reasons, the purchase of equipment on a matching fund basis, (part of cost provided by an individual or organization and part by the Board of Education from public funds) shall be reviewed by the superintendent and prior approval must be obtained from the Board.
  4. Individuals or organizations desiring to contribute supplies or equipment will counsel with school officials regarding the acceptability of such contributions in advance of the solicitations of funds or the making of budgetary appropriations.
  5. A list of supplies and equipment contributed primarily for school use shall be reported to the Board by the superintendent's office at least annually.
  6. All gifts to schools or the school district shall have approval of the Board of Education.

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