Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

XI-07: Insurance

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: XI-7
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Insurance


The Board has the responsibility to maintain an adequate insurance program to protect the property of the district against fire, vandalism, theft; to protect the Board members and employees against general liability resulting from the discharge of their duties; and to offer protection against injury for all employees while acting in behalf of the school. The Board may also authorize and participate in an insurance program of hospitalization and medical insurances for students and employees.

The responsibility of administering the total insurance program shall be delegated to the superintendent and the administrative staff. Underlying such administrative delegation, there will first be prepared for review and approval, specifications for insurance coverage of various types so that insurance may be placed by competitive bid. Any modification of these specifications which may from time to time be considered necessary because of changes in the law or substantial changes in the district's exposure values will be brought before the Board for discussion and adoption.


  1. Insurance is not a commodity but a service. Therefore, it should not be purchased upon the basis of price alone. The school district will make every effort to obtain insurance at the most economical cost, consistent with required service, by obtaining quotations or by negotiation, using whichever method is advantageous to the district.
  2. The insurance program shall be dealt with as a whole in order to eliminate policy noncurrency, inconsistency in rates, overlapping coverage, and gaps in the overall program.

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