Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VIII-02: Fiscal Management

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VIII-2
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject: Fiscal Management


The Board of Education of the North Sanpete School District recognizes that the quantity and quality of learning programs are directly dependent on the funding provided and the effective, efficient management of those funds. It follows that achievement of the district's purposes can best be achieved through excellent fiscal management. Further, the Board recognizes the important trust it has been given with the responsibility of managing a large amount of public resources. As trustee of local, state, and federal funds allocated for use in public education, the Board will be vigilant in fulfilling its responsibility to see that these funds are used wisely for achievement of the purposes to which they are allocated.

The system of business management that is designed must be evaluated in terms of how well it meets the needs of the educational system in the American Democracy.

As public education continues to grow in stature and in resources, prudent management of financial sources and materials become increasingly important. Public confidence in the educational system can be affected by the manner of management of business function. The School Business Administration should be recognized as an important member of the Administrative team. The Administrator should look upon his role as one of service to Educational Administration to be performed in an efficient and business-like manner.


  1. To conduct the fiscal affairs in accordance with the law of the State of Utah and the regulations of the State Department of Education and other pertinent agencies.
  2. To encourage advance planning through the best possible budget procedures.
  3. To conduct the affairs of the business department in such a way that the public will have confidence and peers will have trust.
  4. Encourage in all of the employees of the above a feeling of responsibility for the property and financial welfare.
  5. To establish levels of funding to provide a quality education by pursuing all possible sources of revenue that are available and practical.
  6. To use the best management techniques available for the size of the operation and to be flexible enough to change when changes are warranted.

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