Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-22: Health Requirements and Services

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VII-22
Effective Date: 08/10/1993
Revised Date: 05/19/2009

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Subject: Health Requirements and Services: Medical Treatment


In compliance with the Utah Medication in Schools Law (Utah Code 53A-11-601) the North Sanpete Board of Education authorizes the administration of medication to students subject to the following procedures.


The school in which a minor student is enrolled may consent to medical treatment of that student, provided:

  1. The person having the power to consent as otherwise provided by law cannot be contacted.
  2. Actual notice to the contrary has not been given by that person.


Employees of the district may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions.

  1. The District has received a current written and signed request to administer the medication during regular-school hours to the student from the parent, legal guardian, or other person having legal control of the student.
  2. The student's physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant has provided a signed statement describing the method, amount, and time schedule for administration, and a statement that administration of medication by school employees during periods when the student is under the control of the school is medically necessary.
  3. Upon request for medication administration, the school nurse or equivalent (this person must hold a medical or nursing license) must be notified. The school nurse will be responsible for organizing a medication plan utilizing the recommended polices.
  4. Oral, topical, and inhalant medication may be administered by the assigned school personnel. Medications requiring other routes of administration will not be given by school personnel except in emergency situations, with the exception of glucagons. In non-emergency situations, medications requiring other routes of administration must be given by a registered nurse, with the exception of glucagon.
  5. All medication that is to be given at school must be furnished by the parent or guardian and delivered to the school by a responsible adult.
  6. All prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by the pharmacy with the name of the student, the name of the physician, the name of the medication, the amount to be given (dose), and the duration of the treatment. Over-the-counter-drugs must be in the original bottle and labeled with the student's name.
  7. All over-the-counter medications will be treated as prescription medicines and follow this policy. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cold medications.
  8. All medication provided to the school are to be kept in a secure location under lock and key.
  9. Insofar as possible, one person shall be assigned the responsibility of administering student medication.
  10. A record including the type of medication, amount, and the time and day it was administered must be kept for each student receiving medication at school. The person administering the medication must sign the record each time medication is given.
  11. Students below grade 7 may not self-administer medications.
  12. Policy V-43 provides guidelines for the self-administration of asthma and diabetes medication.
  13. There will be an emergency plan developed by the school nurse at the beginning of the school year for any students who has a medical need that may develop into a health hazard requiring medication as treatment. (i.e., anaphylactic reactions).

Authorization for administration of medication by school personnel may be withdrawn by school personnel at any time following actual notice to the student, parent, or guardian.

Civil Liability Immunity

School personnel shall substantially comply with the physician's or dentist's written statement in order that they and the District and Board may take full advantage of the immunity from liability granted under Utah Code Ann. 53-A-11-601(3).

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