Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-11: Visitors to the Schools

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............   

Board Policy with Guidelines               

Policy Number: VII-11
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Visitors to the Schools


The Board evaluation encourages visits by citizens, taxpayers, and parents to all of our school buildings. We urge the taxpayers to visit the school facilities in accordance with reasonable procedures to control such visits and to evaluate the quality of education, determine its needs, and to join with the Board in improving the system. The Board also believes that the parents of children attending the schools have special rights and responsibilities, in addition to those of taxpayers generally, to keep themselves informed as to the day to day operation of the schools.


  1. Principals are requested to continue strong efforts to ensure that parents of school children are not only aware of the above policy but that they are cordially invited to visit our schools and to thereby develop a spirit of mutual cooperation which will inure to the benefit of the children involved. Direct communication to homes, as well as the use of parent organizations and other school meetings, to advertise this policy are encouraged. The superintendent will periodically request a summary as to number and frequency of parent and citizen visits, which in turn will be reported to the Board of Education.
  2. Each principal, in conjunction with the staff, will outline the procedures for visitors at each school including the following:
  3. All visitors must first report to the office.
  4. Reasonable hours and times.
  5. Normal class programs should be interrupted to a minimum degree.

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