Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IX-14: Use of School Facilities

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IX-14
Effective Date: 04/08/1997
Revised Date: 06/17/2014

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Subject: School Facilities Permit and Use Agreement


In accordance with Utah State Code Sections 53A-3-414, the Board authorizes, on condition, for the use of school building and grounds as civic centers for other than school purposes. The Board recognizes that these civic centers shall be established and maintained as limited public forums to District residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings. It is further understood that the use of property for civic center purposed may not interfere with school functions or purposes.

Under Utah State Code 53-A-3-414 the Board shall manage, direct, and control the use of school buildings and grounds when used as civic centers. The Board shall charge a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities as civic centers so the District incurs no expense for that use. The Board shall also ensure that school administrators are trained and properly implement district policy according to Utah Code.

The Board authorizes the Administration to establish the facilities rental guidelines, a fee schedule, and the personnel necessary to manage the rental and use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes. The Board will review and approve the facility rental guidelines and fee schedule as needed. The Superintendent shall administer the rules and guidelines and see that schools follow established procedures.


Facility Use
All activities will be scheduled through the appropriate school administrator. Application for use of school facilities shall be made on the form provided by the School District. Each school will have applications forms at the school site. The building administrator is responsible for coordination of all school rentals and after-hour facility use. Schools are given first priority for any use request. All other requests for school facility use will be scheduled on a time and space available basis.

  • Authorized Facility Use By Category
  • Category I: School or District Educational Use
  • Category II. Noncommercial, personal, family, club, or other small group use.
  • Category III: Municipalities and other tax-supported agencies for single-use such as for town meetings, Meet the Candidate Nights, etc.
  • Category IV: Extended use of facilities by municipalities or tax-supported agencies for plays, productions, or multiple night events, not charging fees.
  • Category V: Charitable or non-commercial organizations from within the North Sanpete School district boundaries charging fees, including county and municipal recreation programs.
  • Category VI: Charitable or non-commercial organizations from outside the North Sanpete School District boundaries.
  • Category VII: Commercial organizations.

Rental Guidelines:

District Programs & Local School Related Use (PTA, School Community Group, In-service, etc.)
Use of North Sanpete district facilities will be granted free of charge for NSSD sponsored programs and activities according to Category I of the fee schedule. If use impacts local personnel’s normal duties or requires additional personnel, those costs will be charged to the sponsoring group. An exception to this guideline would be the curriculum based class level activities of elementary schools (science fairs, plays, literature nights, etc.) parent teacher conferences, officially sponsored PTA meetings or activities, and school community group activities. If the activity requires additional custodial time, that time should be submitted to the district office on a time sheet. The cost will be covered by district and/or school funds.

All groups are responsible to provide their own supplies, including photocopies, paper, markers, chalk, etc. Needed equipment can be requested at the time the request is completed. School functions will take priority over other activities in scheduling building and grounds.

Personal, Family, or Other Small Group
Facilities may be made available for personal, family, or other small groups to facilitate such activities as family reunions, dinners, community club meetings, or other such meeting. The facilities will be made available on a case-by-case basis with the express understanding that the kitchens are not to be used without properly trained school personnel on hand to oversee the use of such equipment. Rental fees will be determined pursuant to the fee schedule to recover any supervisory or custodial related costs to the District.

School Clubs

Facilities will be made available for approved school clubs to meet according to Category I on the fee schedule. Clubs associated with organized sports leagues and not sponsored by UHSAA are subject to rental fees for practice and games.

Inter-local Governmental Agreements
The North Sanpete School District may enter into inter-local agreements for the use of properties or building with municipalities or tax-supported agencies that are beneficial to the students of North Sanpete School District. Building administrators are not authorized to enter into inter-local agreements but will be consulted before an agreement is made that could impact the individual site.

Election Use
District facilities may be used for election purposes provided normal school activities are not interrupted. A fee will be negotiated and assessed to the County/City to cover District expenses associated with the election use.

Charitable Use
Those requesting to rent the facility under this category must provide evidence of their non-profit status. Category IV or V fees according to the fee schedule will be charged to recoup building expenses, provide necessary custodial supplies, and for personnel time.

As per Utah Code 53A-3-414, prices should be set at a rate to cover all costs including administration, supervision/technician, custodian(s), supplies, and utilities.

Commercial Use
North Sanpete School District’s primary mission is the academic, physical, cultural and emotional development of the students we serve in our schools. Due to the nature of North Sanpete School District, commercial rentals are discouraged. Large rentals, which are taxing on employees and facilities, should be referred to professional business agencies, which can better serve their needs. The District does not wish to compete with other local facilities that are created for the purpose of holding public events.

Requested uses to gain profit or make a living are deemed to be commercial requests.

Criteria used to approve appropriate commercial rental are as follows:

  1. Is there another facility that could service the rental? The school district should not be in competition with local business.
  2. Is the requesting commercial entity part of the local school community?
  3. What would be the impact on the school facility and school personnel?
  4. Does the requesting commercial entity have a business license?
  5. If admission or fees will be charged or items sold, the requesting commercial entity must have a Temporary Sales Tax License.

The renter will be charged for all spaces used for such rentals.

The renter is entitled to a walkthrough of the rental space requested prior to the event. The renter is then responsible to notify the district, in writing, of any objectionable conditions, no later than one week before the date of the event.

As per Utah Code 53A-3-414, price should be set to cover all costs including administration, supervision/technician, custodian(s), supplies, and utilities.

Those renting an auditorium who request to use lights and sound equipment must also pay a fee for the use of the stage lighting and sound equipment (see fee schedule). School trained technicians must be hired to operate auditorium sound and equipment. Any damage to or loss of district/school equipment must be charged to the renter.

Under the direction of the Superintendent school administrators may form business partnerships that will be mutually beneficial to the business, the district, and the individual schools involved. Any revenue from such a partnership must cover the costs associated with facilities used.

Updated Version

An employee of the school/district shall be responsible for the opening and closing of buildings for buildings rented by an outside group. If possible, it is preferred that a district employee is present at all times during the activity, however, if it is not practical or possible, the supervision may be delegated to a responsible adult from the renting party. If the responsibility is delegated to a responsible adult from the renting party, a district employee still must inspect the building at the closing of the activity and lock up the building. The scheduling administrator will use discretion in delegating responsibility or requiring adequate additional supervision by law enforcement and school personnel for the type of activity and the number of people involved. 

When a kitchen is used, appropriate Nutrition Services staff must be hired to supervise use of kitchen equipment. A district or school employed technician(s) must be hired to operate the sound and lighting systems for auditorium use. For activities where kitchen or other equipment is used, district employees must be present—delegation to the renting party is not an option. District/school personnel who provide services or supervision during a rental must be paid through the North Sanpete School District Payroll Department. Personnel supervisory time should be submitted on a Use of Building Report and time sheet. Classified employees will be paid at their hourly rate. Certificated employees will be paid at the Adult Education Rate per hour. Fees charged for the rental will be used to offset district personnel hourly rates.

All non-school /non-district groups using NSSD facilities must provide evidence of liability insurance in the amount recommended by State Risk Management (not less than $600,000). Entities that do not have a current policy may contact the insurance company of their choice. Utah State Risk Management (insurance carrier for NSSD) offers a commercial insurance to cover outside entities without insurance. Copies of the program are available at each school or the district office.

The school administration is responsible to insure that all applications for rental are complete and that proof of insurance is included with each application. The school custodian will be notified of an approved application. Copies of the approved/signed form will be distributed to the applicant and support services. 

Fees will be charged for use of facilities according to the approved fee schedule. All fees may be paid by personal check, cash, cashiers check or money order and must be submitted prior to the activity. Fees will be collected by the school administration. Personnel time sheets resulting from a rental must be submitted to the school administrator to ensure payment of services. A deposit of $200 will be required on all category 3-7 rentals. This deposit covers damage to the school, additional personnel required, and additional time and space added to the original agreement. If the deposit does not cover these costs, the renter is responsible to cover all additional costs. All or a portion of the deposit will be refunded if all costs are covered in the original agreement.

Use of Grounds and Outside Facilities
All field use and rentals are under the direction of school principals at each site. The use of school fields for school program needs supersedes any other use. Inter-local agreements may be established for recreational programs to use district grounds. When rental is allowed, hours and use must be designated. The UHSAA moratoriums will be enforced for off-season times. Approved users will provide, when needed, sanitation facilities for the duration of their activity. The sanitation facility must be removed from NSSD property at the conclusion of the activity. Any group or organization using North Sanpete School District property must adhere to the following standards.

  1. All usage will be scheduled through the school administrator. The District form must be used.
  2. A deposit of $200 will be charged for category 3-7 to the renting organization for field use.
  3. The high school football, baseball, and softball field are off limits to any group other than North Sanpete School District endorsed or sponsored athletic programs. Groups such as “Little league Football”, soccer, rugby, lacrosse and any other high-wear field usage activity are not allowed to use high school fields without District Administration approval. Approved programs may use the facilities but are subject to rental fees.
  4. No outside use will be allowed on the track, tennis courts, softball fields, etc. during school hours.
  5. Athletic directors and coaches are not authorized to approve grounds use for any group.
  6. Ongoing, organized groups will not be allowed to have unscheduled or uncharged activities.
  7. All groups will provide their own adult supervision to adequately monitor facilities used. Monitoring is to maintain order and prevent vandalism and destruction of school and adjoining properties. No unsupervised youth group or organization will be allowed to use the school facilities.
  8. No tampering, modifying or abusing of the field watering equipment is allowed.
  9. User must be respectful and considerate of private property bordering school grounds.
  10. Field marking must be done in such a manner that there is no damage or destruction.
  11. Portable goals may need to be set up and taken down each day they are used. Permanent goals must be pre-approved by the school district before installation.
  12. Driving of vehicles on the playing fields or playground asphalt areas is prohibited. Parking must be in designated parking areas only.
  13. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs are allowed on school grounds.
  14. No loud music or inappropriate conduct is allowed on school property.
  15. No vandalism or destruction of school or adjoining property is allowed.
  16. A school’s power and motorized equipment may only be operated by authorized North Sanpete School District personnel.
  17. Supplies or equipment belonging to the school or its students may not be removed from the premises.
  18. No climbing on fences or backstops is allowed.
  19. Rental groups must be willing and sign an indemnity (hold harmless) agreement for field usage.
  • Non-compliance of these standards will result in forfeiture of further use.
  • These standards will be distributed to all teams using district property through inter-local agreements with the various recreation programs.
  • Municipalities using North Sanpete School District facilities for leagues through an inter-local agreement share the responsibility to enforce the above standards.

School and district administrators will deny requests that would disrupt regular programs or threaten damage to the facility or grounds.

District personnel cannot be compelled to work on Sundays or holiday for school rentals. Therefore Sunday and holiday rentals are discouraged.

Because of the time commitment required of district staff and the limitations placed on school use of the building, ongoing rentals will also be discouraged.

Computer labs, tech labs, shop, etc. are not to be rented.

Elementary and middle school grounds close at 10:00 pm. High school grounds close at midnight. All district policies state and local laws will be enforced.

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