Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
IX-13: Keys
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: IX-13
Effective Date: 04/08/1997
Revised Date:
Subject: Keys
The Policy of the North Sanpete School district is to maintain security in all of the buildings. Personnel are responsible for the keys that are checked out to them. Principals are requested to be familiar with the following key control procedures and discuss them with staff members at least once a year stressing the positive reasons for these procedures. The potentiality of school theft and vandalism make it necessary to have a uniform key security system. Employees shoul not have any keys to district buildings or equipment unless they are officially checked out to them. Any violations will receive disciplinary action, with possible termination. Keys checked out to any employee should not be transferred to another person when changing rooms, position or locations. Keys must be returned to the building principal or person designated to control keys for that location. New keys must be checked out from the same source. District office employees will check keys in and out through the Assistant Superintendent.
Article 4 – Keys to Public Buildings
63-9-21 – “Making keys to buildings of state, political subdivisions or colleges and universities without permission is prohibited. No person shall knowingly make or cause to be made any key or duplicated key for any building, laboratory, facility, room, dormitory, hall or any other structure or part thereof owned by the state, by any political subdivision thereof or by the board of regents or other governing body of any college or university which is supported wholly or in part by the state without prior written consent of the state, political subdivision, board of regents, or other governing body.”
63-9-22 – “Violation – Misdemeanor – any person who violates this action shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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