Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IX-07: Facilities Planning

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IX-7
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Facilities Planning


As the Board seeks to overcome deficiencies in its physical plant, it will strive to provide new facilities that will provide the highest type of educational environment for all students within its ability to so provide.


  1. Planning for buildings may be initiated by the Board on request from the schools, the recommendation of the Superintendent, or by the Board's own appreciation of need. Principals and their staffs shall be consulted from sketch plan stage until final layout is determined. In compliance with Utah Code the State Board of Education must grant approval of the completed plans and specifications as must the State Building Board and the State Fire Marshall. This is to ensure that the proposed building complies with all of the requirements, rules and regulations of the State of Utah.
  2. New buildings and renovations to existing buildings shall be in accordance with new organizational patterns planned by the Board and anticipated instructional programs.
  3. The Board may enlist staff members, parents, students, and citizens to serve on an ad hoc advisory committee on major capital construction or district long-range planning. Such committees shall make recommendations to the Board on the need for new school facilities and on the type of facilities most appropriate. The Board alone however, shall have the authority to act on the recommendations Each committee will be discharged upon the Board's acceptance of its report.
  4. The Superintendent, working through principals and administrators, shall set up ways for the school staff and existing school advisory committees to share in the planning of new school buildings.
  5. All staff members will be given an opportunity to submit suggestions for possible inclusions in the educational specifications of specific projects that directly affect them.
  6. Architects employed by the Board are expected to plan for simplicity of design, sound economics, including low long-range maintenance costs high educational utility, and flexibility, and energy costs.
  7. At the completion of the project, the architect shall orient key personnel to the operation and maintenance that the building will require.

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