X-11: Transportation (Employee Expenses for Travel In-State and Out-of-State)
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: X-11
Effective Date: 06/13/1988
Revised Date: 01/18/2022
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Transportation (Employee Expenses for Travel In-State and Out-of-State)
The Board recognizes the need for employees to attend conventions, conferences, workshops, meetings or training sessions conducted both within the state and out-of-state. Travel in-state will be approved by the Building Principal and the Superintendent or his designate. Travel out-of-state shall be approved by the Board of Education at the recommendation of the Superintendent. Application for out-of-state travel shall be made on a district form provided by the district office and shall be submitted at least 30 days before the scheduled event, and at least seven days prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Availability of funds shall govern approval of any travel.
- Lodging, transportation, and other travel expenses will be reimbursed at reasonable and approved rates. Actual receipts will be required for lodging and other travel expenses. As a general rule, if the employee can drive to the event in eight hours, a district vehicle should be taken. If not, air-fare should be arranged. Rental cars are only approved by the Superintendent based on need. Travel by private vehicle must have prior approval and will be reimbursed at the rate of 40 cents per mile.
- An in-state per diem rate of $35.00 per day will be provided above transportation and lodging allowances. This is to cover meal expenses. The per diem allowance is allocated as follows: (1) Breakfast @ $8.00, (2) lunch @ $11.00, and (3) dinner @ $16.00. Breakfast is approved if the employee leaves before 6:00 AM, lunch if employee leaves before 10:00 AM or doesn’t return until after 2:00 PM, and dinner if employee doesn’t return by 7:00 PM. If meals are paid for as part of the registration fee, which has been paid for by the district, the employee should not request, or must reimburse the district the per diem allowance for that meal.
- An out-of-state per diem rate will be determined based on the GSA website https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates. Breakfast is approved if the employee leaves before 6:00 AM, lunch if employee leaves before 10:00 AM or doesn’t return until after 2:00 PM, and dinner if employee doesn’t return by 7:00 PM. If meals are paid for as a part of the registration fee, which has been paid for by the district, the employee should not request, or must reimburse the district the per diem allowance for that meal.
- As noted above, all travel must be approved prior to leaving; therefore, an “Application for Travel/Expense Voucher” must be submitted and approved before traveling. When the travel is completed, the employee will submit the already approved form to obtain reimbursement. All claims for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of return from the travel.
- A written or oral report summarizing the travel activities may be requested by the Superintendent. The employee may be asked to share their experiences with others in the district through in-service workshops, faculty meetings, demonstrations, or reports to the Board.
- Travel within the district, by private vehicle, must be approved prior to travel if reimbursement is expected. Reimbursement will be made at the rate of 40 cents per mile. To claim reimbursement, the employee should submit a properly completed “Private Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Form”.