Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
July 15, 2022
I need to talk about tadpoles for a minute.
When I was very young, I would spend my time wandering around outside during the endless days of summer. This time was filled exploring the fields surrounding my home and streams that ran through our farm. At that time, the water in the streams was clear, clean, and filled with life, mainly tadpoles. It was a constant fascination to watch these creatures. As the months of summer progressed, so did the shape of my tadpoles. They matured and grew until they were no longer more than the sounds of frogs along the streambed. What is interesting is that these tadpoles were completely unaware of the magnitude of their transformation and change. The change was organic and cumulative.
No doubt, there has been transformation taking place for us the past two years, whether planned or unexpected, there is a difference. We have taken on new discussions, interventions, and even made adjustments to the way we work in more specific arenas. There is expected change and growth that takes place in education. We are part of a learning organization, so it should seem organic and transformational when we participate in the conversation surrounding our work with children. Unlike the tadpole, there is no timeline for maturity. We gain experience and progress through our work together, implementing new strategies, and hopefully evaluating our consistent push in the right direction.
I have unmeasured appreciation for the employees of our district. Your professionalism, your talents, your dedication for the care of children is inspiring and life changing. Thank you!
Please take a look at the information that has been sent to you in this mailing regarding the upcoming school year. A point of interest is the schedule of events taking place in August. It is a busy time and there is something for everyone. You are welcome to communicate with me or any member of the district office staff if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help.
I hope the last weeks of summer are especially rewarding for you and your family.
Go find some tadpoles!
It will be great to visit with all of you soon.
Take care,
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