Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-22: Dropout Prevention and Recovery

North Sanpete School District 

Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines  

Policy Number: V-22

Effective Date:  November 15, 2022

Revised Date:

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Subject: Dropout Prevention and Recovery

North Sanpete School District supports school leaders in their efforts to achieve the ultimate goal of supporting the health and well-being of the whole student as they work towards achieving their academic and career goals. This policy provides support to improve access to educational opportunities for each student and offer a wide range of resources to increase graduation rates.

  1. The District shall identify all students who have withdrawn from school before earning a diploma, and who have been dropped from average daily membership, and whose graduating class (when entering grade 9) have not yet graduated. The District shall further identify students who are at risk of meeting these criteria.
  2. Utah Code § 53G-9-802 (2020)
  3. UtahCode53G-9-801(3) (2020)
  4. The District shall provide dropout prevention and recovery services to designated students, including:
  5. Engaging with or attempting to engage with designated students;
  6. Consulting with designated students and develop a learning plan to identify:
  7. Barriers to regular school attendance;
  8. An attainment goal through enrollment in education programs; and
  9. Means for achieving the attainment goal through enrollment in one or more of the programs described below in Flexible Enrollment Options.
  10. Monitoring a designated student’s progress toward reaching the designated student’s attainment goal; and
  11. Providing tiered interventions for a designated student who is not making progress toward reaching the student's attainment goal.
  12. Contract with a third party to provide dropout prevention and recovery services if requested by NSSD or required by USBE to address graduation rates.
  13. The District shall provide dropout prevention and recovery services throughout the calendar year to students who become designated students while enrolled within the District. The District shall provide dropout prevention and recovery services to students who reside within the District who were enrolled in a charter school that does not include grade 12 and become designated in the summer after the student completes academic instruction at the charter school through the maximum grade level at the charter school. Utah Code § 53G-9-802(1)(a)-(c) (2020)
  14. The District shall establish a policy that describes how the District (or a third- party provider) will measure if a designated student made a year’s worth of progress toward an attainment goal during the year and how membership days will be determined for a designated student in accordance with the District’s school schedule and enrollment policies. Utah Admin. Rules R277-606- 3(2)(a) (September 24, 2020)
  15. The District shall provide flexible enrollment options for a designated student that are tailored to the designated student’s learning plan and include two or more of the following:
  16. Enrollment in a traditional program in a school within the District;
  17. Enrollment in the District in a nontraditional program;
  18. Enrollment in a program offered by a private provider that has entered into a contract with the District to provide educational services; or
  19. Enrollment in a program offered by another local educational agency. Utah Code § 53G-9-802(2)(a) (2020)
  20. The district shall enter into a contract with a third party to provide dropout prevention and recovery services for any school year in which the District meets the following criteria:
  21. The District’s graduation rate is lower than the statewide graduation rate; and
  22. The District’s graduation rate has not increased by at least 1% on average over the previous three school years, or during the previous calendar year, at least 10% of the District’s designated students have not reached the students’ attainment goals or made a year's worth of progress toward the students’ attainment goals.
  23. The contracting requirement does not apply if:
  24. the District is in its first three years of operation;
  25. the District’s average graduation rate for the previous three years is higher than the statewide graduation rate for the same period; or
  26. the quotient of the total number of the District’s graduating students plus 10 divided by the total number of students in the graduating class, is equal to or greater than the statewide graduation rate.
  27. If the District is required to enter into a third-party contract to provide dropout prevention and recovery services, the District shall ensure that:
  28. The third party has a demonstrated record of effectiveness engaging with and recovering designated students;
  29. The contract with the third party requires the third party provide the services described in the Dropout Reduction Plan and regularly report progress to the District. Utah Code § 53G-9-802(3)-(5) (2020)"
  30. The  District  shall  annually  submit  a  report  to  the  State  Superintendent  of Education on dropout prevention and recovery services including:
  31. The total number of designated students in the District;
  32. If applicable, the name of the third party the District is contracting with to provide dropout prevention and recovery services;
  33. The methods the District or third party uses to engage with or attempt to recover designated students under the Dropout Reduction Plan;
  34. The number of designated students who enroll in a program described in the Flexible Enrollment Options as a result of the District’s efforts to engage with or attempting to recover a designated student;
  35. The  number  of  designated  students  who  reach  the  designated  students’ attainment goals; and
  36. Funding allocated to provide dropout prevention and recovery services. Utah Code § 53G-9-802(6) (2020)/Utah Admin. Rules R277-606-4(1)(b) (September 24, 2020)
  37. Attainment Goal means:
  38. A high school diploma;
  39. Utah High School Completion Diploma, as defined in State Board of Education rule;
  40. An Adult Education Secondary Diploma, as defined in State Board of Education rule; or
  41. An employer-recognized, industry-based certificate that is likely to result in job placement and is included in the State Board of Education's approved career and technical education industry certification list."

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